Are You Gambling With Your Network Security?
If your veterinary practice relies on arcane methods of password protection, outdated systems, and technology that was new more than a decade ago, you’re playing a dangerous game. Don’t wait for disaster to strike. Schedule a free Cyber Security Risk Assessment with I.T. Guru’s experts.
We’ll determine:
- If your employees’ passwords or private information are being compromised or sold on the Dark Web (you might be surprised!)
- If your IT systems and data are truly secured from hackers, cybercriminals, viruses, and even sabotage by your own employees
- If your current data backup would allow you to be up and running again fast if ransomware licked all your files. (More than 99% of the backup systems we’ve reviewed would not survive an attack without paying the ransom.)
Everything we discover and discuss remains completely confidential, and there is no cost or obligation to your practice moving forward.
Register for Your Free Cyber Security Risk Assessment
Simply fill out the form below to schedule a consultation with the experts at I.T. Guru who can assess your security, stability, and sustainability.